C/P Statements
We have processed your application:
Hey! I wanted to let you know that we have reviewed your application. XXXX was accepted into the program. An email was sent to the mother's email. This email was generated through our online onboarding platform, Jotform. After 24 hrs, if you did not receive it, please check your spam folder. If you can't find it, please let us know, and we will manually send it.
Also, we have sent an email to the sponsor listed in the application about payment.
Thanks so much for finding trust in our amazing camp! Your camper will have a fantastic time!
Dan DuPre
Camp Wildwood, Executive Director
Waiting for Acceptance/Sponsor Infomation:
XXXX was accepted into the program. An email was sent to her mother and to you on XXXXXXXXXXXXX. I went ahead and resent the email back to you right now. Please check spam/junk folder if you haven’t received it.
The email does not directly come from me. The email will be from “JOTFORM” with the subject of “PDF documents have been sent to you!”
Returning Camper Info:
Hey XXXXXX, and thank you for your interest in Camp Wildwood. We have received your application, and in reviewing it, you indicated that you attended Camp Wildwood last year.
Due to our minimal camper space, we must institute our "Returning Camper Policy" (see below). As you know, Camp Wildwood is an extraordinary place, and we want as many campers to experience the same experience you had. And for this to happen, we need to save all available spots for new campers.
Please review the policy below regarding the waitlist.
Thanks for your understanding of this.
"Returning Camper Policy": ***Any camper that applies for Camp Wildwood 2023 and has attended a previous session, that camper will be placed on a waiting list. That waiting list will be released on April 1, 2023, and if there is any room available, campers on the waiting list will fill the open slots on a first-come, first-serve basis
Thank you for your inquiry into your payment/check for your camper's registration fee. I did a little digging and I have received your check. I recently sent your payment to our sponsor, the Garden Club of South Carolina, for deposit. The GCSC sometimes is slow to deposit, usually once a month (sorry bout that), especially during this time of year. From my standpoint, Your camper is paid in full and good to go!
Thanks for checking up on her and her status!
Camp Wildwood Executive Director
Thank you for reaching out about health forms.
We accept any sports or camp health forms your Doctor/PA's office provides. We try to make it easy on everyone. Even a school physical will suffice. If your doctor's office needs a health form or you would like to use ours, you can use our standard Camp Wildwood. Found here: http://tiny.cc/cwwhealth.
I hope this helps!
Camp Wildwood Executive Director
First and foremost, thank you for your interest in Camp Wildwood and submitting an application.
After reviewing your application and our limits on how many campers we can accommodate, we have determined that the Camp is Full. Due to this, we have placed you on the CWW Waiting list.
I am now in the process of contacting individuals who have not paid or asked me to hold a “spot” for a camper to see if they will need that camper spot.
If a spot becomes open, fingers crossed, I will let you know and continue processing your application.
Thank you for your patience as I try to make room for your camper!
Camp Wildwood Executive Director